Monday, April 7, 2014

The coming weeks

You were to have read up to chapter12 in Into the Wild for today, and I'd like you to finish chapter 17 by Friday.  Over the weekend, please read the last 17 pages and complete/post your triptych. By Friday, April 18th write a blog post responding to one of the following questions, or see me if you have another idea you'd like to pursue.
  • Search "Chris McCandless" in Youtube and watch a few of the many videos.  Consider how they represent and respond to his life and death. Compare and contrast these and offer your own response.
  • Read this New Yorker article by Krakauer that considers new evidence about McCandless' death. Why does this matter? How has the author's perspective changed in the 21 years between the two articles? What is your response?
  • Assess McCandless' life and death for yourself. Identify and rank the most compelling explanations Krakauer offers, and then explain what you think the story suggests about your/our relationship to nature.

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